Phone: 780 987 5780
Fax: 780-987-5785
#1 Exploration Drive
Devon, Alberta
T9G 1Z5
Nov 09 2018
Animals can be poisoned by marijuana in different ways. They can ingest marijuana edibles such as brownies or pot butter, ingest the owner’s supply of marijuana (in any formulation), or…
Mar 07 2018
The tick species landscape in Canada is changing. What makes ticks tick: •Ticks are small arachnids, related to spiders, and there are around 850 species in the world •They like…
Feb 27 2018
When your pet gets ill or injured, we want you to be able to focus on the health and well-being of your pet. Medical insurance can help you deal with…
Dec 05 2017
There are many things that go into your animals care and the cost of that compassion can be expensive. Every day in the clinic we address the physical, medical and…
Jul 10 2017
Budgeting for Buster – Pet Ownership
Jan 27 2017
Throughout our careers as Veterinarians and Techologists we share an abundance of experiences while working with animals. These experiences range from good to bad, joyful to tragic, comic to maddening….
Apr 28 2016
Almost everyone knows that fleas and ticks are a potential problem with dogs and cats. However, we still see many patients that have severe flea and tick infestations. Not everyone…
Mar 24 2016
Chocolate Toxicity Chocolate may be Canada’s favorite flavor. We like chocolate candy, ice cream, chocolate drinks, and chocolate cakes, just about anything with chocolate. Although chocolate is a delicious treat…
Mar 07 2016
Thanks to our warm weather porcupine season has started early this year. Are you familiar with any of these? 1.Porcupines can shoot quills. False. Porcupines can swing their tails into…
Jun 12 2014
Quite simply put you can’t know everything. With the ever expanding volume of information available for treatments and procedures for conditions of all kinds it is important to consult and refer…